Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In The News!

Posted: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:00 am| Updated: 3:40 pm, Mon Jun 25, 2012.

While some mothers and daughters choose shopping as a bonding activity, one Finksburg mother and daughter duo choose beauty pageants. Sandi Jordan and her daughter, Brooke, have both been involved in pageants and now Sandi will be representing Maryland in the America’s Most Outstanding Mom pageant.
Even though this is Sandi’s first time competing in the America’s Most Outstanding Mom pageant, she is no stranger to pageants. She has competed in a variety of pageants as well as supported her 19-year-old daughter, Brooke in a number of pageants. A friend referred Sandi to the Outstanding Mom pageant, and she liked that it was geared more towards being a mom.

Sandi said she believes her devotion to her family will set her apart from the other contestants. Sandi, who has lived in Finksburg for 13 years, is devoted to her 5 children ages 13-23. She has three boys — Ryan, 13; Tyler, 17; Kyle, 21 — and two girls — Brooke, 19 and Ashley, 23.
Beginning June 27, however, Sandi will leave her family to compete in the America’s Most Outstanding Mom pageant in Windsor Locks, Conn.
The pageant will be separated into an interview portion, modeling portion, and public speaking portion where Jordan will have to answer questions from audience members.
The America’s Most Outstanding Mom pageant is in partnership with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. The winner of the pageant will become a sponsor of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption as well as represent Maryland as America’s Most Outstanding Mom. Even though Sandi does not have any personal experience with adoption, she is a supporter of the Compassion International Christian Ministry that sends school supplies to underprivileged children in third world countries.
“I always felt that I needed to raise my kids to be givers to the community and not just takers,” said Sandi.
Sandi and her daughter Brooke enjoy volunteering at charity events together, such as Relays for Life and the Special Olympics. Her son Tyler has been an active volunteer at their church and at the River Valley Ranch. Her son Ryan just recently participated in a canned food drive at his school, Chapelgate Christian Academy.
Sandi has home schooled all of their kids, most of them until middle school. After that they attended private school. Sandi said she always involved her kids in activities such as youth groups, where she was a leader for years, and lots of sports — from football to baseball to volleyball to soccer. Sandi said she always felt the need to “teach her children to be active in their lives on a daily basis.”
Sandi is also an avid volunteer for the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” campaign.
“Women don’t take care of their hearts because they are always busy taking care of their families,” she said.
Having a history of both diabetes and stroke in her family, this is an issue Sandi said she feels very strongly towards.
Brooke, who was named Carroll’s Most Outstanding Teen in 2009, said her mother was the driving force behind all the pageants she’s competed in.
Brooke said her mother encouraged her to try pageants when she injured her back a few years ago and couldn’t participate in sports.
“She was my inspiration to keep going and helped me keep my head above water,” said Brooke.
Brooke said her mother helped her with everything from the interview process to trying on dresses. She’s competed in four more pageants since her first one in 2009.
“She’s the kindest, most loving person I know, even though she would never say it herself. She definitely deserves the title,” Brooke said.